Newfoundland Dog Drool – Can you stop the slobber?
Newfoundland Dog drool is real. A day won’t go by when you’re not cleaning it off walls, the ceiling, clothes, car seats and your beloved furniture.
But with looks like this, and it’s loyal and endearing nature, who the hell cares? In my personal view, this is a tradeoff well worth having.
I think many Newfie owners across the world would also agree with me. It’s just something you have to get used to, until it no longer bothers you. Most owners possess a clean rag where they can simply eliminate the slobber right away. Perhaps you’ll get lucky and end up with a Newfoundland that doesn’t drool as much as others, though that might be hard to find.
Why do Newfoundland Dogs Drool?
Newfoundland Dogs drool because of the anatomy of their mouth and how it is formed. The dog has large jowls and loose lips which are turned down at the corners of their mouths. So when the excess drool (saliva) builds up in their mouth, it generally spills over.
It must be said that not all Newfoundland dogs drool to the same extent. Some may drool less, whilst others gush like Niagara falls. You should really get an idea of how much your fluffy bear drools when they start to mature into adolescence.
It’s quite remarkable to see how creative some Newfies seem to be when it comes to drooling. Some make an art of shoestrings, some make a lovely necklace for themselves, some prefer the splatter paint technique over the freshly painted walls, some make bubbles…
What causes the Newfoundland Dog to Drool?
There may be certain triggers that may exacerbate the Newfoundland dog drool. These are:
Food Anticipation
That large frame needs to eat and they enjoy their food as much as the next dog. Anticipation of food is one of the biggest drivers for dog slobber.
General Excitement
Walkies time, play time and other activities may cause your Newfie to drool. Another big driver here may be sexual instincts as it matures.
Anxiety or Stress
Like many other large dog breeds in the Mastiff family, the Newfie can be prone to stress or anxiety, which can cause increased drooling.
Many big breeds suffer from overheating and the Newfie is no different, especially as it has longer fur to accompany that large frame. Owners should try to keep the room as cool as possible, whilst placing multiple water bowls around the house.
Underlying health conditions
It may be dental, infections or something more sinister but health issues may contribute to excessive hypersalivation. Call your vet if you suspect anything.
When do Newfoundland Dogs Start to Drool?
Most Newfoundland dogs will start to drool as they reach the 12 month mark and beyond. Some Newfies will actually start to drool a bit later in life, say from age 3-4.
Thankfully their maturation into walking saliva taps is slow. As their head and face starts to develop, so should their ability to leak drool. Unfortunately, you likely won’t know their slobber capabilities until they reach the age of 4-5 years old.
Again, owners should look out for certain triggers when it comes to drooling. If you’re noticing hypersalivation then you should try to understand what might be causing it. If unsure then consult with a vet to ensure everything is fine.
Is there such a thing as dry mouth?
The term “dry mouth” gets used in the dog community when it technically doesn’t exist as all dogs require saliva to help move food from mouth to gut.
When it comes to Newfoundland dog drool, as mentioned, some certainly drool less than others, you may be lucky to have one that barely drools at all. This is largely due to tighter flews (lips). The fact is that there will be just as much saliva produced, but this saliva won’t leak as much as other Newfies with looser flews.
Worryingly, there are some dodgy backyard breeders that will claim their Newfies are bred with dry mouth, this is simply a ploy to overcome the issue of drooling with some new potential customers. Even if it’s true that they have managed to breed this out, it’s likely done for cosmetic or selfish reasons and is therefore not meeting the breed standard.
Please ensure you choose a reputable Newfoundland Dog breeder in your area/country.
Are there any tips for dealing with Newfoundland Dog Drool?
Yes there are a number of tips to help deal with Newfoundland Dog Drool.
Trigger Awareness
I would say that you should become attune to the triggers specific to your dog. Is leaving food out a problem? Should your dog be in the same room as the family when dinner is served?
Drool Bibs
Many Mastiff owners invest in a handful of drool bibs. These are pretty cool and come in a range of personalised designs. The bib is great at catching any slobber that might otherwise end up on its chest and underbelly. They can also be used to wipe away any forming shoe strings of drool.
Keep some towels around the house that can be used to wipe away slobber and remove it from walls, ceiling, furniture.
Bowl Mat
Owners should invest in a waterproof mat that sits under their dog bowls. This can catch excess slobber after drinking or eating.
Slobber Stopper Bowl
New water bowls exist, the slobber stopper makes head dunking nearly impossible.
Keep rooms cool, water plentiful.
How to clean Newfoundland Dog Drool from my clothes and house
The joys of Newfie ownership… The slob will be hard to avoid, so we have to accept it. And although it’s easy to find the humour in this, some dog slobber can carry bacteria that needs to be cleaned away quickly.
Thankfully, there are many tools for the job. The best way to clean slobber away from your walls, floors and ceilings is with a magic eraser. This can be accompanied by a diluted cleaning solution that is antibacterial and antiviral.
Cleaning glass is as easy as using a good glass cleaner and cleaning clothes is as easy as throwing your clothes in the wash or using a clean wet wipe to remove the slobber. We don’t need to overthink this.
What other breeds of dog drool?
Although the Newfie is a big drooler, it’s not the only dog breed to do this. Many other breeds have a tendency to slobber.
This is obviously common in the Mastiff realm such as the English Mastiff and Dogue de Bordeaux, but also includes dogs such as the St. Bernard, the Basset Hound, The Boxer, English Bulldog, Bloodhound and Shar Pei.