How Strong Is The Cane Corso Bite Force? (The Facts)

cane corso bite force

What is the Cane Corso bite force? And why is this even an interesting subject?

Did you know that the cane corso bite force is recorded to be around 700 PSI. That’s Huge! This makes it stronger than that of a lion.

The Cane Corso (sometimes referred to as an Italian Mastiff) is well known to the lovers of Mastiff breeds. Its roots go back many hundreds of years, often used as guardian dogs. Bred into the Cane Corso is an exceptionally powerful bite, to match its exceptionally powerful and imposing build. 

The Cane Corso’s reputation certainly divides many dog owners, but oftentimes the perceptions of the breed are quite misplaced. The breed is loyal to a fault, but there have undoubtedly been instances of victims being on the receiving end of such a powerful bite. 

How is PSI even calculated? 

Put simply this means that their bite exerts 700 lbs of pressure per square inch. That’s the kind of pressure that can crunch bones. 

Bite Force PSI Tests

Scientists used to guess PSI of bites by measuring the size of an animal’s head, skull anatomy, and bite injuries. However today, thanks to modern technology we can now use a digital bite metre or a K9 bite bar which is able to calculate the amount of pressure per bite. 

When undergoing tests for all dog breeds, the Cane Corso bite force scored the second highest, falling second only to the Kangal by 40 PSI points. 

But what does this look like in practical terms? 

Well unfortunately, this is enough pressure to break and crush bones. That means it’s also enough power to also rip and tear through that nice new fabric couch you just got. 

There’s no denying it, the Cane Corso bite force is exceptionally powerful. Let’s see how it compares to other dogs. 

Cane Corso bite force comparison

How does the Cane Corso bite force compared to other dogs? You may imagine other breeds such as Pitbull’s and German Shepherds have a bite force to match the Cane Corso? You may also be surprised to see smaller breeds such as the Chihuahua which are fairly powerful for their tiny size.

Dog BreedPSI Score
Kangal 743 PSI
Cane Corso700 PSI
Doberman Pinscher600 PSI
English Mastiff556 PSI
Bullmastiff550 PSI
Great Dane400 PSI
Great Pyrenees400 PSI 
Rottweiler328 PSI
American Staffordshire Terrier328 PSI
German Shepherd238 PSI
Pit Bull235 PSI
Boxer230 PSI
Chihuahua100-180 PSI
Cane Corso Bite Force Comparison

Can Cane Corso’s Lock Their Jaw?

Lockjaw is a bit of a misguided fact when it comes to many dogs, the Cane Corso included. Put simply, the Cane Corso has the power and ability to clamp down and not let go. This does not come with zero effort. It is likely due to their strength and tenacity that they are able to do this. It was likely bred into them a long time ago, when used for hunting and guardian jobs.

Is the Cane Corso Dangerous?

The Cane Corso has an unfortunate perception issue where many inexperienced owners buy into the narrative that it is inherently a dangerous dog. This isn’t necessarily true, it can make for a wonderful family companion.

The breed should never be used as an attack dog. It is exceptionally loyal and wants to please its owners, but it also has a high prey drive which needs to be managed. Their size and power does breed a stubbornness and confidence into the dog from an early age, however with good leadership skills, training and socialisation, this should be easily managed by an experienced owner.

The breed needs a calm and loving family that provides an environment that is stimulating both mentally and physically as this particular breed does enjoy having a job.

Why might a Cane Corso bite?

There are a couple of reasons as to why your Corso might bite, but with good care and a high degree of training and socialisation, biting should not be a thing. 

Firstly, socialisation. Socialisation refers to how your dog learns to interact with other dogs, animals and humans in general. This process should typically start from birth within its litter, however it’s a great idea for owners to keep this up throughout puppyhood. A dog that has had a good degree of socialisation does not view humans and other animals as a threat and is therefore much more calm in their presence. 

Good socialisation is like basic good manners. However, it’s an unfortunate fact that some dogs never undergo socialisation training and become anxious and threatened when approached which can lead to nasty bites. 

The second reason for biting may be due to the high prey instinct of the breed. Many breeds of larger dog have hunting instincts that were bred into them for many years. They’re ultimately carnivores and although the prey instinct doesn’t typically include humans, it may mean that other animals and smaller dogs are seen as prey. 

Lastly, some breeds are seen as more aggressive vs others. Typically this is larger breeds, or dogs with a history of attacks, many of which can be seen in our dog bites statistics. The Cane Corso have bitten and attacked in previous years, which may well be down to poor owners. This has led to them being illegal in some states and countries

Final thoughts on Cane Corso Bite Force

The Cane Corso bite force is mega and up there with many of the world’s most fierce predators. And although this fact makes for an impressive entry on a record book, it can also paint the breed in a negative light.

When nurtured correctly, the Cane Corso is a marvellous dog. It’s wonderfully loyal and has fantastic protective traits if that’s what you’re looking for in a dog. Preventing your Cane Corso from biting should be a keen focus from day 1. This means a special emphasis on training and socialisation as well as an understanding of their temperament are required. Owners should provide a highly stimulating environment that ensures their innate desires for work are met.

FAQ on Cane Corso Bite Force

The St Bernard is said to drool the most out of all other dog breeds. This is followed closely by the Dogue de Bordeaux.

The Newfoundland dog drools so much because of the anatomy of its face, mouth and jowls. However there are certain triggers such as overheating which can cause excessive drooling.

No, you cannot stop a Newfoundland dog from drooling entirely. Although there are measures that you can put in place to help reduce drool load like having a good understanding of their triggers such as food, excitement, etc.

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