Do Cane Corsos Drool?

do cane corsos drool?

The short answer is yes, Cane Corsos do drool. They are a large breed of worker dog that belongs to the ever so drooly Mastiff family, so slobber marathons are fairly common. However, some Cane Corsos drool more than others, all of which may depend on the anatomy of their mouth, their particular trigger points and their age. 

If you’re looking to welcome a Cane Corso to your home, you will need to accept that dealing with the drool is part and parcel of ownership. Unfortunately this does mean the slow waterworks are in full flow every time that succulent sunday roast chicken is left to rest on the side. 

It also means that you’ll never cease to be amazed at how your Cane Corsos drool ends up in the most random of places. Amazingly, it also comes in many different styles, my French Mastiff seems to have perfected the art of blowing bubbles. 

But fear not! 

There are ways to clobber that slobber. This is as much to do with understanding triggers as it is to do with a handful of helpful cleaning tips. 

I’ll say it now, it’s impossible to stop your Cane Corsos drool altogether, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make things more manageable. 

Do Cane Corsos Drool?

Why Do Cane Corsos Drool? 

The reality is, there are many reasons for which your Cane Corso may drool. This can range from facial anatomy to the classics such as food and water. There may also be hormonal factors such as sex drive and heat cycles to general stress and anxiety. 

Let’s start with facial anatomy…

Cane Corso Jowls 

Also known as the flews or lips. Put simply, the looser, longer and floppier the Cane Corso jowls are, the more likely they are to drool. The tighter the jowls are, the less likely the dog is to drool. 

Compared to other Mastiff breeds, the Cane Corso does typically have a tighter facial structure, which in theory should mean less drool. However, each dog will be unique in this regard, but if excess slobber is something you don’t want to tolerate, then this is something you can get a glimpse of by questioning your breeder.  

For those of you that are fine with a bit of slobber, read on… 

Saliva is a normal function for humans and dogs alike, it’s useful in moistening the mouth, protects from gum disease and tooth decay and has enzymes that are used to help break down food which helps with the digestion process. 

All dogs produce a lot of saliva, however, dogs with tighter flews are able to contain their saliva and swallow when necessary. Cane Corsos do not have this luxury as the loose jowls do not form a tight seal around the dogs mouth. Therefore the excess saliva tends to pool in the lips and slowly pour out, sometimes into the form of a bootlace or bubble if they’re feeling creative.

What’s the reason for Cane Corso having big jowls? 

The Cane Corso has a hunting and guardian background. It was used for hunting game and protecting livestock. This often meant that the Cane Corso would be engaged in biting and fighting. 

The large jowls of the Cane Corso served as protection from the bites of other animals. For instance, if another animal was able to bite and latch onto the Cane Corsos cheeks, the floppy jowls would allow for extra room to bite back and free themselves.

What Triggers Cane Corsos Drool? 

As mentioned earlier, there are various reasons that may trigger a Cane Corso to drool, some are related to health issues, others to temperament or their natural desires. These are: 


Stress & Anxiety

There are multiple reasons for stress and anxiety. The Cane Corso breed is more sensitive than many realise. It requires human connection and companionship, mental and physical stimulation and strong leadership skills from calm but assertive owners. If these areas are lacking, the Cane Corso may start to suffer from stress and anxiety.



The big build and excessive muscle that the Cane Corso carries can sometimes lead to overheating which is common for many Mastiff type dogs. Overheating leads to heavy panting which is then typically followed by drooling. Owners should pay attention to this and do what they can to help cool the dog.



This could arise from a change in diet, a virus, overeating & bloat, or motion sickness. Nausea will typically lead to excess drool and eventually vomit.


Infections or internal organ complications 

Excess drooling in rare and unfortunate circumstances can indicate problems with kidney or liver function. Alternatively, it may also be due to infections in the upper respiratory system.


Dental issues 

This can range from excess plaque and tartar to gum abnormalities such as abscesses and growths in the oral tract. 


Food & Drink

By far the most common trigger for drooling is the anticipation of food or drink. The breed is famous for being very food driven, a necessary characteristic to fuel those big muscles.


General Excitement

This may come in the form of play time and games but may also come in as a result of natural drivers such as prey drive (chasing that squirrel) or sexual drive.



This may well overlap with general stress & anxiety, but Cane Corsos drool more often when nervous about a particular situation such as a confrontation with another dog or a visit to the vets.

How to stop a Cane Corsos Drooling?  

You can’t stop a Cane Corso from drooling. But you may be able to control it better. Perhaps you can take solace in the fact that it isn’t as heavy a drooler as other Mastiffs? But if that isn’t enough, here are some tips to help you deal with the drool.


Keep your home cool

Ensure there is adequate cool air-flow into their sleeping quarters. This can help calm and relax them in the hotter months throughout the year. Additionally, an elevated bed can also help with this, whilst also ensuring there’s access to cool water.


Dog Free Meal Prep

Don’t make food whilst your Cane Corso is in the same room. This helps limit the slobber puddles from around your feet. My suggestion would be to make food whilst they are in the garden or another room and then to call for them when ready.


Slobber proof water bowls

New bowls such as the slobber stopper, make it possible for your dog to drink from the bowl without excessively drooling all over the floor next to it.


Keep their teeth clean

Good oral hygiene is a preventative measure to help stop the build up of plaque and tartar. I would recommend adding this to your weekly Cane Corso grooming regimen.


Tune into their health

Whether it’s regular vet health checks, consistent exercise, mental stimulation or general diet, staying in tune with your Cane Corsos health is a great way to minimise health issues that may lead to excessive drooling.


Invest in drool bibs and rags

Drool bibs and rags are great for catching those excess bits of saliva creeping down their cheeks. They can also be used as a napkin, to wipe up any mess. You can easily fetch these from Amazon or most pet stores, they come in some very cool designs

cane corso drool bib


Extra absorbent towels

A basic and low cost step to limiting the drool is to invest in basic, absorbent towels. These can be left around the house in case of drooling emergencies. Just make sure to clean them regularly because … gross.



In very excessive cases such as hyposalivation, there may be a need for surgery. This is only for rare exceptions where their jowls are excessive and their drooling is out of control and not related to other issues that can be treated with lifestyle changes and medication. Please consult a vet for the best options in this regard.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cane Corsos Drool

Question: How much does a Cane Corso slobber?

Answer: It’s difficult to say how much a Cane Corso slobbers. This is because each dog is unique in its facial structure and triggers from both an environmental and behavioural perspective. 

Question: Why do Cane Corsos drool so much?

Answer: Cane Corsos drool a lot due to their loose and floppy jowls. That said, the Cane Corso does not drool as much as other Mastiff breeds due to the fact it typically has a tighter face. 

Question: Which dog breeds drool the most? 

Answer: The St Bernard, Dogue de Bordeaux and Bloodhound tend to be the dog breeds that drool the most. However, many other Mastiff breeds make the top 10 list such as the Neapolitan Mastiff, Old English Mastiff, Newfoundland dog and BullMastiff.

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