Newfoundland Dog Size & Weight Guide – Just How Big Do These Awesome Giants Get?

Newfoundland dog size and weight growth chart

Our Newfoundland dog size and weight guide lets you Know what to expect when it comes to your puppies growth into adulthood.

Newfoundlands are a magnificent breed with a bear-like appearance which is what they’re most well known for. 

They’re affectionately known as a Newfie, and the term “gentle giant” describes this regal canine perfectly. 

The rapid growth rate of the Newfie is mind-blowing. They’re like the Incredible Hulk of the dog world. One minute you’ve got this fluffy little cub, and the next minute they’re towering over you, trying to give you a bear hug. 

It’s their sheer size that can put a lot of potential owners off this wondrous breed, which isn’t surprising. I mean, to start with, you’ll need plenty of space for the dog to even lie down for a nap, never mind anything else.

Newfoundland Growth Rate By Age

To help you get a better understanding of how fast your Newfie is going to reach its full potential height, I’ve put together this chart which shows you the male and female weight and height by age.

AgeMale Weight (lb)Female Weight (lb)Height (in)
1 month old8 – 127 – 1110 – 12
2 months old17 – 2715 – 2213 – 14
3 months old41 – 5438 – 4619 – 21
4 months old55 – 6545 – 5620 – 23
5 months old63 – 7554 – 6721 – 24
6 months old73 – 8759 – 7222 – 24
7 months old82 – 9866 – 7522 – 25
8 months old92 – 10169 – 7823 – 25
9 months old102 – 11575 – 8423 – 25
10 months old109 – 12184 – 9524 – 26
11 months old112 – 12892 – 10624 – 26
12 months old114 – 13092 – 11024 – 27
2 years old130 – 150100 – 12026 – 28
Newfoundland Dog Size & Weight Chart

Growth Timeline For The Newfoundland dog Size

The following timeline will tell you about what you can expect during the first year of your puppy’s life; this includes weaning, feeding, healthcare, and size expectations.

Newfie puppy growing up to 2 years

How Big Should My Newfie Be At 3 Months?

By the time your Newfie is three months old, they should be entirely weaned from their mother, so they will need extra support regarding food and supplements to ensure their growth progresses as it should.

They should now be eating solid foods and high-quality complete foods. 

At this age, they can weigh anywhere between 38 and 54 lbs and reach up to 21 inches in height, depending on sex, health, and diet. 

How Big Should My Newfie Be At 6 Months?

Six months is a whimsical age for a Newfoundland because they are starting to show their characteristics and look a little different from what you might picture when you think of the Newfie. 

During this period, they tend to grow up rather than out, making them look a little gangly and lanky.

They’re also total goofballs at this age and can require firm training to stop them from knocking over people in the street. If not, they will have a tendency to say hello rather boisterously. 

It’s vital to stick to this training so your Newfie realises you’re the one in control. 

At this age, they can already be reaching 84 lbs and 24 inches tall, so already bigger than a fully grown Labrador, if that helps put it into perspective.

How Big Should My Newfie Be At 12 Months?

Your Newfie could now be hitting the 120lb mark by 12 months old, and believe it or not, they still might not be done growing yet. 

This is also the age where he/she might start trying to push boundaries and test their place in the “pack.” Think of them like rebellious human teenagers, seeing what they can get away with. 

It’s important to stick to and follow through with any training you have in place and even perhaps be a little firmer at this age. It’s essential they don’t think they can dominate you. 

By this age, you should be able to see their fully developed personality and quirky, lovable traits

Ensure you’re still keeping up a nutritious diet to support their growth. They might still have a while to go yet. 

How Big Should My Newfie Be 18 Months?

By the time your Newfie is 18 months, they are a ginormous dog, almost fully grown and reaching anywhere between 100 and 150 lbs. 

But, they’re still not quite done, amazingly. 

However, most of the growth they will do from here will be more like weight gain and muscle growth. At 18 months, your Newfie should have reached its full height. 

You’ll notice, in-between adolescence and adulthood, your Newfie has a gargantuan appetite. Something to consider when signing up for ownership, these big friendly giants certainly aren’t cheap to feed. 

However, it’s important to remember, these dogs are prone to obesity, as they literally won’t stop eating, so keeping a close eye on quantities is vital to avoid overeating.

Specially formulated diets are also important to support their joints, which is detrimental in such colossal breeds as mastiffs. 

How Big Should My Newfie Be When Turning Adult ?

What is the size of a fully grown Newfoundland dog? 

By the time a Newfie reaches adulthood, they’re an immense and powerful dog, which might seem intimidating to some. However, with the correct upbringing and training, I have a lot of love to give and provide so much joy. 

As we’ve already touched upon, an adult Newfie requires an awful lot of space, indoor and outdoor. So a large garden and plenty of space for them to stretch their legs in the house is detrimental. This is certainly not a dog for a small highrise flat or anywhere with limited living space, for your sake as well as the dogs.

Now you’re Newfoundland has reached their adult years; this doesn’t mean you should start to change their diet. They still require a nutrient-rich diet that’s high in protein and supports they’re continuing development and bone growth. 

You’re Newfie will require regular, adequate exercise to avoid obesity and to let off steam, (you don’t want them doing this in the house, trust me, bull in a china shop springs to mind.) However, be sure to research how much a Newfie should be walked to avoid common health concerns such as hip dysplasia

Providing them ample space and comfortable places to lie down and rest also decreases the risk of health complications. 

Lastly, remember always to have fresh water available. These dogs drink a fair amount.

How Do I Ensure My Newfoundland Dog Is A Healthy size?

One of the surefire ways to ensure your Newfoundland is happy and healthy is with regular trips to the vet. The vet can closely examine and assess your Newfie, spot any early signs of health problems, or recommend changes in diet, exercise, etc. 

Regular vet checks from a young age also teach your Newfie that this is part of its routine and nothing to be afraid of. Believe me; you don’t want to start wrestling with a 159 lb pooch when it decides it will not be taken into the examination room. However, you may give everyone else in the waiting room something of a spectacle. 

Following a Newfie-specific diet and providing ample space, exercise, training, and mental stimulation are all ways that you give your Newfoundland the happiest and healthiest lifestyle possible. 

It also helps to keep up to date by constantly researching the breed. For example, find out the best way to groom your Newfoundland.

Final Thoughts on newfoundland Dog Size & Weight

The natural beauty of a Newfoundland is a sight to behold. However, it’s not all about appearance. Their sheer size means they take a lot of extra care and consideration while raising and maintaining them within your home. 

The Newfoundland is a mighty pooch that can reach weights of up to 150 lb, making it a mammoth of the canine world. 

While Newfies make wonderful companions and loyal family dogs, owning one should not be taken lightly. You must ensure you can support this gentle giant’s needs regarding feeding, exercise, space, and grooming. 

One more thing to consider, with a dog this colossal comes a lot of slobber. Check out this guide to see if you can defuse the drool

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