Rottweiler Growth Chart – Weight & Height Chart

Rottweiler Growth Chart

The famously powerful and loyal Rottweiler is an old breed of working dog, descended from Asian Mastiffs that has been native to Italy and Germany for years before being widely adopted in the United States.

Like many worker dog breeds, the Rottweiler can grow large, pretty fast! You might be asking yourself, how fast? And just how large will your Rottie grow? 

Well, we have created a Rottweiler growth chart to help you plot your dog’s growth from puppy into adulthood. 

Genetics play a large role in how quickly it grows through the different stages into adulthood. Typically, your Rottie will be classed as either German, Roman or American. Depending on their background origins, your loyal pooch may be more stocky or perhaps more gangly as they grow into their frame. 

Ultimately, there are many things that may impact the rate of growth and how large your Rottweiler eventually ends up. 

However, be sure to stick about, as we uncover those variables as we go.

Rottweiler Growth Chart

Your Rottweiler is known for its size and power, which means that muscle density comes into the equation when judging its weight. Also, let’s not forget the role their breeding heritage plays in this. 

Roman Rottweilers tend to be more stocky and with a larger head, American Rottweilers may be taller but leaner and German Rottweilers may be a perfect blend of the two, striking the beautiful balance of worker dog with show dog looks. 

You’ll also see in the charts below that a Rottweiler’s weight can vary significantly by gender. It may be the case that your Rottie is slightly under or over the recommended weight, which may be perfectly normal. Please use the below tables as an approximate “ruff” guide. 

Male Rottweiler Weight Chart

Male Rottweilers typically end up weighing more than their female counterparts as they start to age out of puppyhood. Male Rottweilers are usually fully grown by just over the 18 month mark and can reach up to 135 lbs (61 KGs), sometimes higher depending on its heritage and lifestyle factors.

AgeWeight (KG) approxWeight (Lbs) approx
1 month2 – 3.5 KG4 – 8 lbs
2 months5.5 – 7.25 KG12 -16 lbs
3 months15.5 – 18 KG34 – 40 lbs
4 months20 – 23.5 KG44 – 52 lbs
5 months24.5 – 28 KG54 – 62 lbs
6 months29 – 32.5 KG64 – 72 lbs
7 months32.5 – 36 KG72 – 80 lbs
8 months33.5 – 39 KG74 – 86 lbs
9 months40.8 – 47.5 KG90 – 105 lbs
10 months43 – 50 KG95 – 110 lbs
11 months43 – 52 KG95 – 115 lbs
12 months43 – 56.5 KG95 – 125 lbs
18 months43 – 61 KG95 – 135 lbs
24 months43 – 61 KG95 – 135 lbs
Male Rottweiler Growth Chart – Wight in KGs & Lbs

Female Rottweiler Weight Chart

Female Rottweilers are typically lighter than their male counterparts. A healthy, fully grown weight for a female Rottie is around 80 – 100 lbs (36 – 45 KG). Again, some may end up weighing slightly more, or slightly less which can be due to their genetic makeup and lifestyle factors.

AgeWeight (KG) approxWeight (Lbs) approx
1 month1.3 – 2.7 KG3 – 6 lbs
2 months4.5 – 6.3 KG10 -14 lbs
3 months 13.5 – 15.8 KG30 – 35 lbs
4 months15.8 – 19 KG35 – 42 lbs
5 months 20.4 – 25 KG45 – 55 lbs
6 months27 – 29 KG60 – 64 lbs
7 months29.5 – 31.75 KG65 – 70 lbs
8 months31.75 – 34 KG70 – 75 lbs
9 months31.75 – 36 KG70 – 80 lbs
10 months34 – 28.5 KG75 – 85 lbs
11 months 34 – 40.8 KG75 – 90 lbs
12 months36 – 43 KG80 – 95 lbs
18 months36 – 45.3 KG80 – 100 lbs
24 months36 – 45.3 KG80 – 100 lbs
Female Rottweiler Growth Chart – Weight in KGs and Lbs

The Rottweiler growth chart also covers height. Some discrepancies can occur in height between the two genders, again with males usually ending up being taller than their female opposites once fully grown. That said, genetics once again plays a role. 

Perhaps your Rottie is destined to be stocky and broader chested. Or perhaps it’s destined to be tall and lanky.

Male Rottweiler Height Chart

Healthy male Rottweilers can typically reach a height of 27 inches (68.5). Your little boy Rottie may end up a little shorter or a little taller, but will always be a baller! 

Another thing to call out is that male Rottweilers tend to be a bit shorter than their female opposites when going through puppyhood. However, coming up to the 6 month mark this tends to reverse and the males will usually end slightly taller than the females.

AgeHeight (Inches) approxHeight (CM) approx
2 months13 Inches33 CM
3 months 18.5 Inches47 CM
4 months19.5 Inches49.5 CM
5 months 21.5 Inches54.5 CM
6 months23 Inches58.2 CM
7 months25 Inches63.5 CM
8 months25.5 Inches65 CM
9 months26 Inches66 CM
10 months26 Inches66 CM
12 months26.5 Inches67.3 CM
18 months27 Inches68.5 CM
24 months27 Inches68.5 CM
Male Rottweiler Growth Chart – Height in Inches in CM

Female Rottweiler Height Chart

Female Rottweilers will typically reach up to 25 inches (63.5 CM) in height. They reach max height around the 10 – 12 month mark which is quicker than their male counterparts. Again, your dog may end up slightly above or below this as much depends on their genetics. 

AgeHeight (Inches) approxHeight (CM) approx
2 months14 Inches35.5 CM
3 months 19 Inches48.2 CM
4 months20 Inches50.8 CM
5 months 22 Inches55.8 CM
6 months23 Inches58.5 CM
7 months24 Inches60.9 CM
8 months24.5 Inches62.2 CM
9 months24.5 Inches62.2 CM
10 months25 Inches63.5 CM
12 months25 Inches63.5 CM
18 months25 Inches63.5 CM
24 months25 Inches63.5 CM
Female Rottweiler Growth Chart – Height in Inches & CMs

Rottweiler Puppy Growth Phases – What to expect?

Birth – 2 Weeks

The first two weeks of your Rottweiler being born are of course crucial. The best Rottweiler breeders will allow mothers to mother their new-borns without too much interference (unless intervention is utterly necessary). 

In this phase, you can expect your Rottie to be taking on high quality nourishment that is key to its development as a healthy pup. Their eyes will remain closed and they will not yet have proper use of their limbs. But don’t worry, those powerful muscles will soon be growing at an extraordinary rate.

Months 1 – 3

These months are a real period of transition from relying on their mother to living in their new home. The pup will become ultimately curious about its new environment and seek out every opportunity to learn, play and explore. 

Rottweiler Growth

The rate of growth in the early months is utterly staggering. In this time, your Rottweiler has been weaned off its mothers milk and onto a diet high in protein, helping it shoot up. 

It’s important to note that you should aim to deliver as highly nutritious food as possible during this phase. Their teeth and gums are still in development, meaning you shouldn’t be serving food that is too hard or too hot. 

Rottweiler puppy

From month 1 to month 3 your Rottweiler will have grown to around 19 inches (approx 48 CM) in height. All whilst growing from around 3 lbs – 35 lbs in weight. Wow.

Months 4 – 5

Months 4 & 5 are when your Rottweilers key characteristics start to come through. Those wonderful eyes and golden eye brows, the jowls and stubborn (but loyal) personality may start to show. 

In this phase, they are of course still learning and exploring, however they should now be making strides in their socialization too. 

It is in this phase that their bodies start to fill out, becoming more recognisable with the powerful frame that we all love and adore. This period is also when male Rottweilers may start to outgrow their female counterparts. 

Their gums and teeth would have developed more, so you can start to explore different types of food textures and chews for them to enjoy. 

One word of caution here is exercise load. Your Rottweilers joints are still developing which means extensive walks and over exercising shouldn’t occur until further down the line.

Months 6 – 9

Months 6 through to 9 follow the course as the Rottweiler continues to fill out and become more powerful and dominant. It is essential that owners maintain a degree of consistent socialization and obedience training throughout. 

In this growth phase, your Rottweiler would have grown anywhere from 60 to 110 lbs and would have nearly reached its full height. 

Rottweiler adolescent

It’s very important to note that during this phase, the Rottweiler is still a puppy in its mind and probably isn’t aware of its size and power compared to other dogs. And although when well trained and socialized the Rottweiler makes a good family dog, play should always be supervised for this very reason. 

By this point, your Rottie’s teeth, gums and digestive system should be close to fully developed. You should feel free to experiment with different foods, bones, chews, treats and things like raw feeding. These are all great things to keep your Rottie happy and stimulated.

Months 10 – 18

Months 10 to 18 should see your Rottweiler hit close to its maximum growth. At this point, your Rottweilers frame will be filled out and their power on full display. 

It’s important that you look to keep an eye on its caloric intake in this phase. Once your Rottie gets to 18 months it’s likely not going to grow much more. Their limbs, joints and muscles should be close to fully developed. 

From here on out, you can look to burn off your Rottweilers energy with hiking, garden play time, swimming and general daily walks.

Reaching Adulthood (18 – 24 Months)

You may be asking yourself, “when will my Rottweiler stop growing?”

Your Rottweiler essentially reaches full adulthood between the 18 – 24 month mark. Beyond this point it will have definitely stopped growing and would have reached peak power until the dog’s inevitable physical decline in its senior years. 

Rottweiler Growth Journey with Hector

A Rottweiler that comes from a loving and supportive home is an absolute joy to be around when it reaches full maturity. That is why it’s critical that you never stop consistent socialization with other dogs, pets and humans. The Rottweiler is highly protective, wary of outsiders and has a relatively high prey drive which needs to be kept in check.

Ensuring Your Rottweiler Is Healthy

Many owners are concerned parents when it comes to assessing their puppies weight and ensuring it’s healthy. 

Like so many other factors of health and longevity, prevention is better than treatment. As a responsible dog owner, you should do all in your power to ensure your Rottweiler enjoys a high standard of life and welfare. 

Below are the key, common sense areas: 

A Healthy Diet

Known for its size and power, the Rottweiler loves its food. That’s good, because it needs a lot of it. 

Responsible owners should pay close attention to how they transition their pup from softer foods to more solid alternatives. Investing in high quality nutritious food is paramount throughout your ownership of the dog. 

Our best recommendation here is to join Rottweiler associations and clubs and to quiz other members on what they’re feeding theirs. Additionally, this is also a great area to question your breeder on, especially if they have experience in producing show dog level quality stock. 

Recent trends have seen owners become much more conscious of what food they give to their dogs. Many have moved away from grain based foods such as your everyday kibble to raw feeding which gives owners much more control over the ingredients fed to their dogs.

Raw feeding typically comprises meat, organs, fish, vegetables and a small amount of bone or marrow. It is said to be anti-inflammatory for the dog and more inline with their ancestral code.

Exercise Routine For Growth

The Rottweiler is an energetic dog, given its worker dog background. And although it is considered a large dog breed, it is certainly more durable than some of the other Mastiff type breeds. 

The exercise needs of a Rottweiler vary depending on its age. Puppies need gentle strolls which give them a level of exercise that doesn’t negatively impact their joints. Adolescents crave agility and play, adults can handle a good hour of play, and seniors? Well, they’re all about that chill life with a sprinkle of fun.

An area that is often neglected is the mental stimulation side of exercise. The Rottweiler is smart, it needs entertaining so don’t be afraid to mix things up. Food puzzles, new scenery, fetch, tug of war and swimming are all great ways of achieving this.

Rest, Sleep And Relaxation

Did you know the Rottweiler is more sensitive than you first realize? Their protective nature, loyalty and eagerness to please their family are all admirable characteristics, however they can come with a mental load that we are often unaware of. 

It’s vital that you have multiple areas around the house where your Rottie can retreat to for a bit of “me time”. This will range from a comfortable bed or crate, to an area of quiet shade in the garden. And don’t forget they also love to be close to their owners, so always be open to hugs and cuddles.

Spaying & Neutering Impact on Growth

Yes, spaying or neutering can affect the growth of your Rottweiler. However, there are things to be aware of along the way, such as neutering a male too early which can lead to a disruption in hormones and therefore growth in a crucial part of their development. 

There are of course benefits to spaying and neutering such as avoiding diseases and unwanted pregnancies. The choice is ultimately yours as the dog owner. These questions are better left for a reputable vet in your local area.

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